The #HashiCorp license change is just the most recent example of a company that no longer needs to drive adoption with #OpenSource claims. I wrote about the phenomenon in 2021 but it's been around for about 20 years. It is not "the end of open source", just a lifecycle stage for a VC funded software startup that was leveraging it.
Now that #Zoom have rolled the whole AI thing back and are pretending nothing happened and they are the misunderstood victim, I have modified my "Not Using Zoom" post to reflect the state of play.
Are you involved in making open #standards in Europe? Substantial funding for your work and travel is available from the @EU_Commission - all you have to do is fill out a form explaining what you are doing and #StandICT will do the rest.
Wir freuen uns auf das #cccamp! Kommt uns besuchen im Digitalcourage-Village oder schaut in den Stream, es gibt ein großartiges Programm! Ein kleines Appetithäppchen vom Programm auf unserer Bühne gibt es hier:
Hackers from TU Berlin managed to jailbreak #Tesla cars, unlocking software-locked features worth up to $15,000 🪓🪓🪓
They used a known (unpatchable) voltage fault injection attack against the AMD Secure Processor to glitch the boot process, got root, and retrieved the car's RSA private key 👌
Zoom trying to do damage control by obfuscating what they say VS what they mean is a good reminder to take PR statements with a grain of salt. By looking at what Zoom has actually done, you'll quickly see all the times they've flat-out lied.
Remember when Zoom claimed to offer end-to-end encryption but didn't? I do.
Remember when they said they've made joining meetings on macOS easier but actually installed an exploit that made Zoom re-install itself if a user uninstalled it? I do.
Remember when Zoom said they were protecting user privacy but then handed user data to Facebook? I do.
It's always good to have a reminder that what a company says is often of significantly less importance than what they've done.
i will be keynote speaking at Free Silicon Conference 2023 at Sorbonne University, Paris. The conference goes from July 10-12.
We are glad to announce the next edition of the Free Silicon Conference (#FSiC) which will be held in Paris on July 10,11,12 2023.
The tentative program is:
Please help us spreading the voice, and please propose or suggest ideas by answering this toot or by writing at fsic2023'at'
#openHardware #Chips #IntegratedCircuits #semiconductor #silicon #FSiC #GoIT
Balthazar project aims to create an open source 13.3 inch laptop that can use RISC-V, ARM, or FPGA processors thanks to a modular design based on the EOMA68 projects. Under development since 2019, it's not available yet, but work is progressing.
I'm heading to #Brussels to the "EU Open Source Policy Summit" ( Registrations for online participation are still open. Please attend or drop me a note if you have a particular wish to be represented.
Right after I'll be around #OFFDEM ( and #FOSDEM.
Promoting free and open-source silicon chips. Home at the Free Silicon Foundation (